— Alex Crook

They say that summer doesn't start in Washington until the fourth of July. Even though the days are getting shorter already, the best weather in the Pacific Northwest is still to come. Seattle is getting hot and the snow capped peaks are rapidly melting. For me, it's time to go to the mountains. A few weeks ago, Kailey and I found time for an overnight hike at Stuart Lake. This year, more than any year, I've put a priority on being outside. It feels like one of the only acceptable activities left these days and like many people, I have found a lot of time on my hands. That's okay though because I love to hike, and hiking takes a really long time. I wouldn't say that I'm an experienced hiker, but I enjoy it. I think it's the solitude. The moments of serene timeless nothing that allow your mind to wander. Unstructured time in the wilderness frees me to be curious about my surroundings in a simple way - in a way that feels nostalgic. There's time to wake up early because your sleeping pad deflated, and be rewarded with the glorious tranquility of a sub alpine lake bathed in golden sunlight. The surface softly ripples, and the birds have just started to sing. A call is put out on the far side of the lake, and answered in kind from a tree nearby. There's time to wonder what the birds are saying anyway and whether their experiences are in any way similar to our own. The early morning and late evening are my favorite times while backpacking. The stillness is tanglible, and I like to imagine how these places have existed in more or less the same worry-free way, forever, not only just this moment. I feel envious of the worry-free trees and the worry-free rocks. There is time wander back to where you hung your food the night before, to light the stove, and wait for the water to boil. These days it feels like time is speeding up and slipping away, and I find myself valuing the things that seem to slow it down. Unstructured time outside is definitely one of these things. There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want. But first, coffee.